Rice, noodles as the basis of Thai cuisine

Thai cuisine in Almaty | Restaurant PattayaFood.kz

Do you want to know a secret of Thai cooking? Welcome to "Pattaya" restaurant. Our chef Mr. Panich Tanaland knows them all, and possibly will share with you, while you will enjoy the wonderful dishes of this cuisine.

Basis of bases

Thai kitchen in Almaty | Food delivery PattayaFood.kz

Did you know that the word "eat" in exact translation from Thai is translated as "eat rice". Really, in Thailand with this product “tied” everything. This product is something like bread for us: according to statistics, every Thailand resident daily eat about 500 grams of rice. Very impressive. Isn't it?

Everything will made from the rice:

  • main dishes,
  • garnishes,
  • desserts.

It is also worth noting that Thai cuisine practiced in two ways of cooking rice. First way - crispy rice. It is also called "khao suay" and when eating you should use fork and spoon at once: the spoon is applied to the rice with fork, which is held in the left hand and eat it.

Rice and chicken | Food delivery in Almaty PattayaFood.kz

Second way - glutinous rice. In contrast to the previous version this kind of rice you eat without any cutlery. Everything is done by hand: after making rice balls sent it to the mouth. It was called “khao niao” and was not being prepared in water, as usually we do, but it steamed on the special container made of bamboo.

Noodles is too important

Meat in Thai in Almaty | Thai kitchen by PattayaFood.kz

Another quite popular product of Thai food is noodles. Thais eat rice noodles and noodles cooked from the beans. Usually, it is served as main dish. Together with noodles, as a supplement, may be used bean sprouts, eggs, peanuts, chicken, and pork.

Like rice, noodles and other pasta could be used in various types of Thai cuisine. It can be boiled with broth noodles, fried pasta with different sauces. Also, there is popular very spicy salad with noodles, called "yum woon sen". Come to Our restaurant, and you will be able to enjoy all the delights and features of this wonderful cuisine. Our chef is expert in this field.

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